The Florist

' welcome to Fernsworth ~ '



Born into the cold winter on the 8th of January 1992 , she was greeted by her family consisting of her mother Audrey Bexley and her father Hugo Bexley , and lastly , her grandmother Darcy Alden Bexley .The name decided for the new addition of the family : Ophelia Bexley .The Bexley family was well-known throughout town for a variety of reasons including : a flower shop founded by Darcy , and the lovely garden planted around the Bexley’s estate . Expeditions led by Audrey and Hugo ; being well-renowned globe trotters and explorers , gathering information on cultures and lesser known foreign countries and islands by sailing . Having a fortune built up on old money , sea based trade and books written by the explorers .Needless ; Ophelia had a comfortable upbringing , and loved her family dearly , dreaming of one day joining her parents out on sailing and exploring the world beyond the port town she grew up in .Most of her upbringing was also spent helping her grandmother out in the flower shop ; becoming well acquainted with all the locals who regularly dropped in to purchase goods . Effectively learning how to care for a variety of flora , tending to the shops’ every need and creating medicine from herbs and plants .At the age of 10 , Ophelia's parents were off to travel yet again , much to the little girls dismay ; she was so eager to join , and felt as if she was grown enough to handle the harsh condition sailing sometimes brought .Feeling as if she had been left behind ; she wailed as she stood on the docks alongside her grandmother , watching her parents sail out the bay one final time .Three weeks after the departure ; a message was received . Having been caught in a especially brutal storm , the ship ended up sinking and her parents were lost to the sea .The dream of one day exploring the oceans were completely shattered .The Bexley family now only consisted of two ; Ophelia and Darcy .Fearing she’d lose her grandmother as well , Ophelia never left her grandmothers side ; working alongside her at the shop at every opportunity given , ending up with a broad set of skills within Floriculture and Herbology ; finding cures for sickly people within a few days or so .As time passed ; Ophelia flourished into a sweet young woman . Tending to the shop and its customers all by herself , as her grandmother started give in to her old age and had to stay put at home .Fearing she would lose the final member of her family ; Ophelia was desperate to make medicine that would help her grandmother feel better , and bring her back on her feet .With all of her attempts proven futile ; her grandmother assured the young woman that letting go was better than latching on and preventing something nature intended ; and within a short span of time , Ophelia had lost her last remaining family and was left with the fortune and estate , all alone .At this moment in time ; Ophelia was 19 years of age .Now faced with loneliness and an empty home ; she roamed the halls of the estate and gardens in a depressed state , the shop in town remaining closed .The news of Darcy Alden Bexleys' passing quickly spread around town ; and the locals noticed the lack of presence of the youngest of the family . A short time after , Ophelia received visitors upon the estates’ doorsteps , offering the proper console and company she so desperately needed .Surrounded with so much love ; motivation brought her back on her feet. Wishing to carry on the legacy of her grandmother , she now took the proud title as the Local Florist of the Alden Floristry ; still providing her services and knowledge to help the people of the town , and any visitors that passes through .Having now owned and run the shop for 12 years by herself ; the stories and tales of the Local Florist Of Fernsworth and her skills had spread beyond the town , resulting a good reputation and a variety of new clientele .Will you drop in for a visit ?


MUN INFORMATIONHey !My name is Frida , but my writer tag is Sophie . I’m 23 years old as of 2024 and I'm from Scandinavia !My activity varies a lot on this account , depending on whether I'm in a period of work or not ( i usually work one week on , then off for one week ) , but i try to be a little active regardless !I have 10+ years of RP experience on this platform with this OC , and I’m usually always trying my best to expand her universe and develop her as a character .I’m open to getting known and writing with new people , so don’t be afraid to reach out to me !RULES .- THIS ACCOUNT FREQUENTLY POSTS NSFW AND CONTENT NOT FIT FOR MINORS . DO NOT FOLLOW IF YOUR MUSE IS UNDERAGE , OR IF YOU AS A WRITER IS .I will always check accounts that look suspicious . ( i generally always check accounts before following back )If your age isn’t listed in any form of information tweet , then i likely won’t follow back .I ask that you PLEASE respect my wishes when it comes to this ; if i catch you following or liking posts , this will result in a hard block and report .Same goes for any taboo accounts i notice .- If you as a person is uncomfortable with NSFW and decide to follow me and complain directly to me about it , then i will soft block . This is my account to run .- If i notice a regular pattern of drama from your account , it will end with a soft block . Twitter is a place for me to write and have fun with my mutuals , i don’t want to see anything negative in my feed .- Don't ask for writer x writer - just no .


Located on the Northern English coast ; you’ll find a port town bustling with life , and people of all sorts of backgrounds .Known for the large export of local goods ; the bay is never completely deprived of ships or fishing boats .The productivity of Fernsworth’s agriculture is very high , especially through the utilization of the abundant water resources on multiple croppings . The water current is strong as the vicinity of Fernsworth is composed by a vast bay with several good harbors , which makes it the current trade center of the North .Taking place once a year is the renowned Summer Festival ; all of which Ophelia decorates with the beautiful flowers she prepares for this occasion alone . Taking place over a week , the towns people gather in the city square ; dancing together , drinking , feasting on good food and buying goods from festival stands .The well-preserved architecture is something this town is also well-known for. A lot of the buildings are built with a Baroque\Gothic type of style , and has been taken good care of for many years .The streets are cozy and lined with simple shops , they’re easy to navigate and very accessible to those who wish to stroll rather than drive, stretching on all the way down to the harbor ; the walks are pleasant in this town !The Alden Floristry can be found uptown ; a short stroll from the town square , and if you feel lost and don’t know where to look , then the locals will always point you in the right direction with a kind smile .Come for a visit and experience Fernsworth and The Alden Floristry .Ophelia is waiting for you .